DEA Chapter 35 Student Scholarships
Honor the Veteran. Educate their Legacy.
The Heart of America Patriot Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides scholarships to the dependents of deceased or 100% disabled veterans by partnering with post-secondary education institutions that match its funds. These scholarships support DEA-Chapter 35 qualified students enrolled part- or full-time who demonstrate unmet financial need. In order to qualify for C.35, you are a child or spouse of a service member/Veteran within one of the following:
- The service member died in the line of duty
- The Service member is MIA or captured in the line of duty
- The service member was detained by force while in the line of duty
- The service member is in the hospital or getting outpatient treatment
- The Veteran is permanently and totally disabled due to a service-connected disability
- The Veteran died while on active duty or as a result of a service-connected disability
Many Teams. One Mission.
With the help of HOAPF scholarships and donor matching funds, qualifying students are given personalized support via financial assistance for tuition, fees, supplies, meal plans, emergency aid and other essential needs. In an effort to instill a sense of lifelong empowerment and success, the University of South Dakota will provide a $1,000 scholarship to each recipient. This award will be “on top” of any other scholarships/benefits children and spouses of Veterans receive.
This partnership model provides maximum impact by doubling donor dollars and allowing schools to better serve their military-connected students facing financial hardship. It is our goal to create a heightened level of care and support, ensuring a better overall experience for students as they receive not only financial assistance but also the assurance that they are valued and supported by their community.

Learn More
Download the informational packet to learn more about how the Heart of America Patriot Foundation and the scholarships provided to USD students.
Memorial and Tribute Gifts
Whether in memory of a dear friend or family member who has served, or in honor of an important milestone, your contribution made in recognition of important life events will leave a lasting impact on students at USD.
By entering acknowledgement information below, you consent to sharing notice of your gift with the recipient. Your street address will be shared with the recipient to allow them to express their gratitude for your gift. The gift amount is not disclosed. If you do not wish to make a tribute gift, you may leave those fields on the form blank.