Class of 2020
Meet the 2020 class!
Kayl Barkley
Manager of Business Development, Acquipt
Wichita, KS
Accounting, 2014, Master of Business Administration, 2016
"My advice would be to get involved in activities on campus and have fun. USD has tremendous organizations and people to help you succeed. Your time in Vermillion will come to an end but the memories will last forever. Get involved and make the most of it."

Reanna Bertram
Audit & Assurance Senior, Deloitte & Touche
Omaha, NE
Accounting - BBA/MPA, 2016
"When you begin your career, have confidence that your USD professors, mentors and classmates have prepared you well. Continue to foster relationships with your professors and classmates who invested in you during your time at USD."

Cassie Blake
Senior Associate Director - Communications, National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions (NAFCU)
Arlington, VA
Contemporary Media & Journalism, Political Science, 2014
"Be willing to work hard for your accomplishments and recognize that we all start at the bottom. It’ll be hard to not compare yourself to your coworkers, but remember the unique skills and point of view you bring to your role — you were hired for a reason."

Ryan Blake
Legislative Director, Consumer Bankers Association (CBA)
Arlington, VA
Political Science, Criminal Justice, 2014
"Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Reaching out to the connections you have made, whether it’s a professor, former colleague, boss or peer, can get your foot in the door at a new opportunity or the advice you need at a critical time. As you move through your career, you’ll recognize the help you received and will want to pay it forward. That’s what your network is for – all you need to do is ask."

Jennifer Candela
Assistant Band Director, Madison High School
Sioux Falls, SD
Art - Photography, 2016
"My advice for current students is to enjoy your time at USD. It goes by so fast! I suggest getting involved, go to the football games, eat with friends at the MUC, play Grocery Bingo, try new things and go to new places, and even get involved with the Vermillion Community. Don't let the moments slip you by, because you'll be graduating before you know it!"

Derek Chancellor
Digital Marketing Manager, National Media
Cincinnati, OH
History, Political Science, 2015, Master of Public Administration, 2017
"Get involved on campus, actively apply what you learn in class, make an effort to remember people's names and use them, leave every room better than it was when you walked in, and smile - live with intention. Also, in many ways, it's more important to maintain connections than it is to make them in the first place."

Taylor Chapman
Athletic & Activities Director, Spencer Community Schools
Spencer, IA
Sport Management, 2015
"My advice to current students and alumni of USD would be to always stay connected to USD. Faculty, staff and your fellow Yotes will always be here for you and want you to succeed. Current students, make the most of your experience academically, professionally and personally because it goes fast. But, also take the time to slow down, cherish the moments and reflect on what you are experiencing because when you take that time that is where you will see personal growth."

Kyle Chase
Deputy Chief of Staff, U.S. Senator Michael Rounds
Washington, D.C.
Juris Doctor, 2016
"My advice to current students and fellow alumni would be to keep working hard and if you feel like you are, work harder because you're not. Every positive experience I have been blessed with in my professional career has been because I've really tried to understand the 'why' in everything that goes on around me. Don't be afraid to ask questions, challenge the status quo or keep raising the bar for yourself."

Daniel Davies
Physician, Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN
Biology, History, 2013, Doctor of Medicine, 2017
"First, never be afraid to accept new challenges and opportunities, because the most transformative moments in life are rarely the ones for which you planned. Second, engage with your professors outside of the classroom, because they will become some of your most valued mentors and advocates in life after graduation."

Jilanne Doom
Editor/Producer, CNN - Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.
Contemporary Media & Journalism, Political Science, 2014
"Seek mentorship. Too often, young people working to climb the professional ladder think it's done entirely by their own skills and grit. Have the humility to seek advice and knowledge from those with experience and networks beyond your own. Someday you'll have the opportunity to give back in mentorship to others as well."

Molly Ervin-Person
Resident Physician, LSU Health - Shreveport
Shreveport, LA
Economics, 2015, Doctor of Medicine, 2020
"Get involved and don’t be scared to meet new people! As a student it’s important to get involved, but in things you are genuinely interested in, not just as a resume builder! Attending events, whether they be Coyote Athletic events or not, is a great way to network whether you are a student or an alumni. Showing your Coyote pride is a great way to bond with those you don’t yet know."

Megan Glisar-Wegher
Audiologist, Ear, Nose & Throat Consultants
Sergeant Bluff, IA
Communication Sciences & Disorders, 2015, Audiology, 2019
"My advice for others would be to take advantage of every opportunity you have in your reach. In my experience, I was able to use track and field as a stepping stone to achieve my long-term goal of becoming an audiologist."

Clay Hoffman
Loyalty Giving Officer, South Dakota State University Foundation
Brookings, SD
Political Science, 2015
"First, don't be afraid of taking an opportunity because you don't think you're ready. You're more talented and stronger than you know. Secondly, be kind and give grace because you don't know what someone is going through at that moment."

Mackenzie Huber
Web Content and Social Media Specialist, Lawrence University
Oshkosh, WI
Political Science, 2017
"Fate loves the fearless. So muster up all the courage you can and take some chances to explore what makes you come alive. You'll find your way."

Brent Impecoven
CPA, Eide Bailly LLP
Sioux Falls, SD
Accounting, 2013, Master of Professional Accountancy, 2014
"Enjoy your college experience! The people that you meet and the memories that you make will stay with you forever. Make the most of it!"

Brittany Lewno-Dumdie
School Psychologist, Billings Public Schools
Billings, MT
School Psychology, 2019
"When students work with me for individual or group counseling services, we frequently learn the mantra, 'Be Open, Be Present and Do What Matters.' Rooted in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), this mantra references the balance of living to one’s values and setting related goals, being open and flexible to new challenges, and remaining focused on choices within your control. If this ever feels difficult as a USD student or alumni, know that there are 3rd graders learning what it means to 'Be Open, Be Present and Do What Matters.'"

Grant Lueders
Insurance & Risk Management Consultant, Gallagher
Brandon, SD
Marketing, 2013
"Get involved! Simply getting your degree does not utilize the USD experience to its fullest potential. You get out what you put in, so get involved in what USD has to offer. It's a lot!"

Teagan McNary
Consultant, Self-Employed
Sioux Falls, SD
Political Science, Criminal Justice, 2019
"Don’t forget to lean in to your communities while at USD. You don’t have to have it all figured out when you get there. There is so much to explore and a great deal of opportunity for both personal and professional growth while getting your education. Take advantage of those opportunities."

Kelsey Menge
Assistant Professor of Speech Communication, Bismarck State College
Bismarck, ND
Communication Studies, 2014, Communication Studies, 2016
"When you push yourself out of your comfort zone, that's when you grow. Never stop being a student of your life."

Jeff Mettler
Ph.D. Candidate, Iowa State University
Ames, IA
Kinesiology & Sport Science, 2014
"Continuously work to improve your problem-solving skills. Your ability to effectively solve problems will help you along every step of your academic and professional career, as well as in your personal life."

Madison Mills
Secondary Math Teacher, Hawai'i Department of Education
Ewa Beach, HI
Marketing - Business Administration, 2017
"Finding something you're passionate about can be scary and sometimes challenging, but it is worth it. Continue to be a lifelong learner, look for ways to push yourself and grow, and always seek your passion."

Rebecca Molsberry
Population Health and Data Systems Analyst and Ph.D. in Epidemiology Student, Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute
Dallas, TX
Health Sciences, 2015
"Always work to develop a well-rounded approach to life, both personally and professionally. New experiences, perspectives and exposure to different groups of people will never hurt you, and you never know the connections that you may be able to make down the road!"

Lindsey Montileaux-Mabbutt
Fourth Year Dental Student, University of Washington School of Dentistry
Seattle, WA
Medical Biology, 2015
"USD has a network of so many beautiful people. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help and connections. The Coyote family reaches so much further than Vermillion and is there to support you!"

Morgan Nelson
Biostatistician, Avera Research Institute
Carrboro, NC
Biology, 2014
"Take the chances and opportunities you find; don’t be afraid if they are outside what you believe to be your expertise. You can always fight imposter syndrome by faking it until you make it!"

Rachelle Norberg
Lawyer, Gunvordahl Gunvordahl & Norberg Prof. LLC & Gregory County Title Company
Burke, SD
Economics, Political Science, 2015, Juris Doctor, 2018
"Take advantage of the opportunities USD provides; get involved with organizations, study abroad, connect with your instructors and network with alumni at events. The more opportunities you take advantage of, the more rewarding your experience will be and you’ll also have the best time with lifelong friends along the way."

William Powell
Entrepreneur, Podyum LLC
Sioux Falls, SD
Finance, 2013
"My advice for students is to use college to explore what your interests are, to discover what truly sets your heart on fire. There are resources everywhere at USD to explore career paths and to get connected with successful alumni. Use them!"

Mallory Schulte
Attorney, Birmingham & Cwach Law Office, Prof. LLC
Yankton, SD
Juris Doctor, 2017
"There is more than one way to successfully graduate and launch your career. Find the path that brings you joy and the people that will support you along the way."

Tyler Sternhagen
Pediatric Resident Physician, University of Wisconsin/UW Health University Hospital-American Family Children's Hospital
Madison, WI
Biology, Kinesiology & Sport Science, 2016, Doctor of Medicine, 2020
"For future students, I would recommend opening yourself up to the many possibilities that USD has to offer. Many of my greatest experiences came from choices I did not even think were available to me. If you give yourself a chance to try new things you may not only learn about yourself, but you’ll find yourself in places you never imagined possible and in the company of some incredible individuals."

Rachel Ustad
Physician Assistant, Department of Veteran's Affairs - VA Hospital
Sioux Falls, SD
Kinesiology & Sport Science, 2015, Master of Physician Assistant Studies, 2018
"Those at USD who have preceded us built a strong foundation to grow. Search out those connections - the mentors that will push you to be your best, to challenge you. Utilize the knowledge they have given to pursue your own goals, and use those goals to make the world a better place for those who will be looking up to you next. The most important measure of success is how we help others."

Alexa Williams
OB/GYN Resident Physician, Mercy Hospital St. Louis
Maryland Heights, MO
Biology 2012, Master of Business Administration, 2013
"You will be challenged in college and throughout your life in more ways than you know, and it is important to always do what is right and not what is easy — even if that goes against current culture."